Monday, October 18, 2010

How to make some extra money

extracash Do you need some extra cash. I think we can do with a little extra cash. The following sections describe some of the strategies you can use to make some extra cash.

Dog Walking

Dogs are man’s best friend. Unfortunately we sometimes get all too busy to take our dogs out for a walk. If you enjoy walking you can start your own dog waling business.

You need to be a dog lover, that is a must. You also need time to perform this type of service. You need to understand how to take a dog for a walk, there are a few resources on the internet that can help you. Be professional, get a police clearance and make sure that when talking to customers you show that you will love their dogs as much as they do and that their dog will be cared for.

Don’t forget the raincoat for you and for the god, the leashes of course, water for you and the dog and anything else that you might need.

I think that this can be a very enjoyable way of making some extra money.

Selling unwanted items on eBay

If you search the internet on how to make some extra cash you will invariably find this topic. There are many stories that I can tell you and you can find loads more stories about people that have made a bit of money via eBay.

It can be a bit hard. I would recommend that when you are sell something, try to put yourself in the position of a buyer, think about what the buyer would want to know about the product, shipping and the price. I have tried to sell some items on eBay and I was not successful. There was nothing wrong with the products themselves, I just had the price set too high. once I changed it the items were sold fairly quickly.

Have a quick walk around your place, do you really need all of the items you see around you? How about the books that you haven’t touched for a few years. You will probably find a few items that may give you a few hundred bucks.


I will start by discouraging you, blogging is very hard. What I find hard is to attract visitors to my blog. I would say that before you start your blog you should think about your competitive advantage. How will you differentiate yourself from the competition? Why should people come to your blog?

Once you have the first question answered you need to put your head down and write. The key is to write and write and write. And by the way, when you get tired, write a bit more.

Blogging can put money in your pocket in a few ways including adds, affiliate marketing, selling advertisement space and many other options.\

Adds is by far the most common way of making money in your site. All you need to do is to select an add provider, sign up and place widgets in your site. The widgets are the placeholders where the add provider will show the adds on your site. Then the only thing you need to do is to wait for your visitors to click on those adds. Every time someone click on one of them you get a bit of money.

Affiliate marketing puts your blog in between a potential customer and a seller. Your work is to refer traffic to another website, if the people you refer to buy something then you get a cut of the profit, There are some affiliate programs that you get paid based on the amount of traffic you send to the site, It is definitely something you should look at if you have your blog.

Selling advertisement space. All you need to do is to reserve an area on your website with good visibility and you rent that space to organisations wanting to advertise on your site.

Buying items on eBay and selling them for a profit

Another interesting way of pocketing a little, or a lot, extra cash is to buy items on eBay and sell them for cash. You may find a bookshelf that needs a little TLC or anything that you can buy at a cheap price, improve it a little and then sell it for a little profit.

I would however recommend that you be careful because there are no guarantees that your items will be sold or that they will be sold for a higher price than what you paid for them in the first place.

Do a little research before you execute this strategy to try to maximise your chances of success.

Making money from your hobby

This strategy is also common, We all have hobbies, something we like to do and because we do so much of it we get really good at it, There may be a lot of people out there that want to learn about it or buy something from you. If your hobby involves making something then you have a product that can be sold. Otherwise you can start teaching, blogging or even delivering online courses on the subject of your choice.

The strategies above will not make you reach but they certainly have the potential to put some extra cash in your pocket.

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